The largest event in the hotel industry, the Hotelexpo and the Deutscher Hotelkongress 2020, is currently taking place in Berlin, where over 1,100 decision-makers meet, exchange information on the most recent digital developments and receive the latest news on the industry.
Fittingly, the Fraunhofer IAO’s research project FutureHotel has only recently published its study “FutureHotel – Smart Hotel Room”. Their report presents a scenario of a hotel room experience that is already technologically feasible in 2020. In addition, it offers hoteliers as well as their designers and consultants practical assistance in strategically preparing their future actions and implementing scientifically-proven solutions in their smart hotel rooms. You can order the study here:
Fraunhofer Studie FuturHotel – Smart Hotel Room (E)
Fraunhofer Studie FuturHotel – Das intelligente Hotelzimmer (D)
As VINN is a partner of the project, CEO Frank Gerhardt gave an interview on the following core issues as part of the study:
– What hoteliers need to consider when implementing a smart hotel room
– Requirements of a smart hotel experience
– Analysis and use of customer behaviour data
The interview can be found here:
VINN Interview in the Fraunhofer IAO Studie Smart Hotel Room
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